The importance of soil correction

In very acidic soils, plants often show symptoms of toxicity or lack of nutritional elements.

In these soils there is a substantial risk of crops absorbing heavy metals incorporated through fertilizers or organic amendments in excess, causing toxicity problems.

The correction of excess acidity in the soil is carried out through liming, that is, the application of a corrector that allows the soil pH to rise.

Limestone is the most used acidity corrector. In its application, the following aspects should be considered:

  • The amount and type of limestone to be applied depends on the results of the soil analysis and is part of the fertilization recommendation indicated by the laboratory;
  • If the recommended amount of limestone is greater than 7 tons per hectare, its application must be divided over two or three years, never exceeding that value in each one. You must have the soil analysed before each application;
  • Liming should preferably be carried out in the autumn, preceding the rotation crop that is more sensitive to the acidity of the soil;
  • The limestone must be evenly spread over the entire area to be corrected and well mixed with the soil, through adequate mobilization;
  • Orchards, olive groves and vineyards: make the distribution before the installation of the crop (half of the amount is incorporated with deep mobilization and the rest with the regularization of the land);
  • Ammoniacal fertilizers and superphosphates, as well as manure, must not be mixed with limestone;
  • Manure should be spread on the ground after limestone application, slurry should be applied first;
  • The effect of liming generally lasts for three or four years, after which a new soil analysis must be requested. It will indicate the need, or not, to carry out a new correction of the acidity;
  • If you apply another type of acidity corrector, for example quicklime or slaked lime, keep in mind that they are much more active, so you should adapt the doses to be used.

Free translation from ‘Conservação do solo e da água, Manual básico de práticas agrícolas – Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas’ [Soil and Water Conservation, Basic Manual of Agricultural Practices – Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries]

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